The Value of Machine Learning How would you make Machine Learning valuable? Since Machine Learning is the competitive assembly of algorithms that...
Thought Leadership
Thought and Thought Leadership from the Team at
Lies, Damn Lies, and Artificial Intelligence
The Formula Isn't Wrong "Put a bird on it." Like an episode of Portlandia that never ends, tech companies think you want them to "put AI/ML...
Why Asset Visibility is Very Important to IT Department
Why Asset Visibility is Very Important to IT Department There is an agreement on the security side that asset visibility is of utmost importance....
The Importance of Asset Visibility
Why IT Departments Need Asset Visibility Security teams recognize the importance of asset visibility. One of the main concerns that CISOs have...
The Beginning of Unefen
Four years ago, Ronald Banza and I met at a restaurant on the coast in California. We had known each other since 2012. We had built internal products together. Over lunch, we decided to build a company together. The question then was what will that company do?